Friday 11 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 4 Part 1 Scaling new heights.

More than Meets the Eye

Activity 1: Scaling New Heights
On your blog, post five questions that you would like to ask Sir Edmund Hillary about his life.

1. Whether he worked with any friends while climbing to the top of the mountain?

2. Did he climb up it at night?

3. How long did it take him to climb the mountain?

4. Did he have much food, and what food did he eat?

5. Did he have a campsite?

Image result for sir edmund hillary

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hamish,

    You have really taken the time to think about some of these questions. Terrific work, I love that you have thought about questions that are related to what Sir Edmund Hillary does. I also wonder how long it took him to climb Mount Everest.

    Good question, I'd also like to know how much food and what kind of food Sir Edmund Hillary took up with him. Maybe he brought some lollies as a treat for himself? Or maybe he brought a flask of vanilla milkshake, yum! What food do you think you would bring with you if you went mountain climbing? I would definitely pack some chocolate bars to keep me happy and motivated! I would probably like to pack some sushi or a yummy sandwich too.

    Evelyn :)


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