Wednesday 16 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 5 Part 3 Going, going….gone

Going, going….gone
On your blog, post a description of life in New Zealand in 2018. Please remember that the people who read your post will have never been to New Zealand or even seen a picture so it is your job to ‘paint a picture’ of New Zealand using your words. You can also post pictures, if you wish. Be sure to fully attribute the pictures.

Life in New Zealand was great, it was sometimes sunny sometimes rainy but it was always a lovely day. Sometimes me and my dad would go out and have a walk around near where we lived and admire the beautiful nature while I played on my phone collecting Pokemon.
There were lots of trees and green lawns. People lived in houses that were made of bricks and wood with trampolines and swings in their gardens.
Some people grew vegetables in their gardens or flowers which made the bees come.
Overall New Zealand was a really great place.

Image result for new zealand gardenImage result for new zealand house


  1. Kia Ora Hamish!

    Awesome to see you are blogging above and beyond!
    This is brilliant! You have painted such a wonderful picture of New Zealand! We are so lucky to have lots of trees and green lawns.
    You are right! New Zealand is a really great place!

    I remember playing Pokemon go for awhile! It really took off in 2016! My favourite pokemon is psyduck haha and my best friends favourite is snorlax!

    Keep up the great work!
    He Whetu Koe! (You’re a star!)

  2. Hello Hamish,
    I am Vitaraag. Life in New Zealand for your life sounds amazing. Where would you walk? What Pokemon did you find most during a journey? You have put so much effort into this. Maybe next time you can say what is in New Zealand so like the sky tower. Keep up the phenomenal work!



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