Monday 7 January 2019

Week 1, Day 1, Activity 1. Hamish's Fun Facts.

To learn more cool facts about New Zealand, check out the Tourism NZ website. Read the fun facts posted on the website and choose your ‘Top 3.’ On your blog, post your ‘Top 3 Fun Facts’ about NZ in your own words.

My Top fun facts are,

1. The Maori Name for New Zealand is Aotearoa the meaning of it is the long white cloud.
2. It was the first major nation to have universal suffrage. In 1893 all citizens were legally aloud to vote.
3. There are no snakes in New Zealand.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hamish!

    This is a great start, thank you for sharing such interesting facts.
    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey for the 2018 summer. My Name is Hasiba, I am from Summer Learning Journey team.

    One of my favourite facts is that Gisborne, New Zealand is the first city to see the sunrise.
    I am so grateful we have no snakes in New Zealand! I would totally scream! Do you have any animal fears?

    Keep up the great work!
    He Whetu Koe! (You’re a star!)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.